180910(월) - Google Maps (Style Reference)
Google Maps
Style Reference
- roads, parks, businesses and POIs 등을 customize 가능
- features entirely hide도 가능
"featureType": "all",
"stylers": [
{ "color": "#C0C0C0" }
"featureType": "road.arterial",
"elementType": "geometry",
"stylers": [
{ "color": "#CCFFFF" }
"featureType": "landscape",
"elementType": "labels",
"stylers": [
{ "visibility": "off" }
JSON object
- featureType (optional)
・ select for style modification
・ char on map, roads, parks, bodies of water, and more
・ specify하지 않으면 all features selected
- element type (optional)
・ specified feature to selected의 property
・ labels and geometry
・ specify하지 않으면 all elements selected
- stylers
・ selected features and elements의 rules apply
・ color, visibility, and weight
・ one or more stylers to a feature
- 한번에 apply할 수 있는 styles 개수는 limit 가 있음
- 만약 style array exceeds maximum number, style is no applied
"featureType": "road"
- root 는 all 이다.
- some features 는 dot notation으로 child features를 가져온다.
(default) selects all features.administrative
selects all administrative areas. Styling affects only the labels of administrative areas, not the geographical borders or fill.administrative.country
selects countries.administrative.land_parcel
selects land parcels.administrative.locality
selects localities.administrative.neighborhood
selects neighborhoods.administrative.province
selects provinces.
selects all landscapes.landscape.man_made
selects structures built by humans.landscape.natural
selects natural features.landscape.natural.landcover
selects landcover features.landscape.natural.terrain
selects terrain features.
selects all points of interest.poi.attraction
selects tourist attractions.poi.business
selects businesses.poi.government
selects government buildings.poi.medical
selects emergency services, including hospitals, pharmacies, police, doctors, and others.poi.park
selects parks.poi.place_of_worship
selects places of worship, including churches, temples, mosques, and others.poi.school
selects schools.poi.sports_complex
selects sports complexes.
selects all roads.road.arterial
selects arterial roads.road.highway
selects highways.road.highway.controlled_access
selects highways with controlled access.road.local
selects local roads.
selects all transit stations and lines.transit.line
selects transit lines.transit.station
selects all transit stations.transit.station.airport
selects airports.transit.station.bus
selects bus stops.transit.station.rail
selects rail stations.
selects bodies of water.
"featureType": "road.local",
"elementType": "labels"
(default) selects all elements of the specified feature.geometry
selects all geometric elements of the specified feature.geometry.fill
selects only the fill of the feature's geometry.geometry.stroke
selects only the stroke of the feature's geometry.
selects only the icon displayed within the feature's label.labels.text
selects only the text of the label.labels.text.fill
selects only the fill of the label. The fill of a label is typically rendered as a colored outline that surrounds the label text.labels.text.stroke
selects only the stroke of the label's text.
selects the textual labels associated with the specified feature.stylers
"stylers": [
{ "color": "#99FF33" }
"stylers": [
{ "saturation": -100 }
"stylers": [
{ "visibility": "off" }
(an RGB hex string of format#RRGGBB
) indicates the basic color.Note: This option sets the hue while keeping the saturation and lightness specified in the default Google style (or in other style options you define on the map). The resulting color is relative to the style of the base map. If Google makes any changes to the base map style, the changes affect your map's features styled with
. It's better to use the absolutecolor
styler if you can.lightness
(a floating point value between-100
) indicates the percentage change in brightness of the element. Negative values increase darkness (where -100 specifies black) while positive values increase brightness (where +100 specifies white).Note: This option sets the lightness while keeping the saturation and hue specified in the default Google style (or in other style options you define on the map). The resulting color is relative to the style of the base map. If Google makes any changes to the base map style, the changes affect your map's features styled with
. It's better to use the absolutecolor
styler if you can.saturation
(a floating point value between-100
) indicates the percentage change in intensity of the basic color to apply to the element.Note: This option sets the saturation while keeping the hue and lightness specified in the default Google style (or in other style options you define on the map). The resulting color is relative to the style of the base map. If Google makes any changes to the base map style, the changes affect your map's features styled with
. It's better to use the absolutecolor
styler if you can.gamma
(a floating point value between0.01
, where1.0
applies no correction) indicates the amount of gamma correction to apply to the element. Gamma corrections modify the lightness of colors in a non-linear fashion, while not affecting white or black values. Gamma correction is typically used to modify the contrast of multiple elements. For example, you can modify the gamma to increase or decrease the contrast between the edges and interiors of elements.Note: This option adjusts the lightness relative to the default Google style, using a gamma curve. If Google makes any changes to the base map style, the changes affect your map's features styled with
. It's better to use the absolutecolor
styler if you can.invert_lightness
) inverts the existing lightness. This is useful, for example, for quickly switching to a darker map with white text.Note: This option simply inverts the default Google style. If Google makes any changes to the base map style, the changes affect your map's features styled with
. It's better to use the absolutecolor
styler if you can.visibility
, orsimplified
) indicates whether and how the element appears on the map. Asimplified
visibility removes some style features from the affected features; roads, for example, are simplified into thinner lines without outlines, while parks lose their label text but retain the label icon.color
(an RGB hex string of format#RRGGBB
) sets the color of the feature.weight
(an integer value, greater than or equal to zero) sets the weight of the feature, in pixels. Setting the weight to a high value may result in clipping near tile borders.
- multiple operations를 single style operation에 combine하면 안된다.
- 대신에 style array를 써라
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