180912(수) - Google Maps (Shapes)
Google Maps
- Polyline
connected line segments (mark paths and routes on the map)
enclosed shape
- Circle
map에 표시된 Earth's surface circle을 geographically accurate projection
- Polyline
- point on the earth's surface LatLng
- GoogleMap.addPolyline(PolylineOptions)
// Instantiates a new Polyline object and adds points to define a rectangle
PolylineOptions rectOptions = new PolylineOptions()
.add(new LatLng(37.35, -122.0))
.add(new LatLng(37.45, -122.0)) // North of the previous point, but at the same longitude
.add(new LatLng(37.45, -122.2)) // Same latitude, and 30km to the west
.add(new LatLng(37.35, -122.2)) // Same longitude, and 16km to the south
.add(new LatLng(37.35, -122.0)); // Closes the polyline.
// Get back the mutable Polyline
Polyline polyline = myMap.addPolyline(rectOptions);
- 이미 added된 polyline에 new list를 전달하고 싶으면, Polyline.setPoints()
Polyline events
- default not clickable
- Polyline.setClickable(boolean)
- GoogleMap.setOnPolylineClickListener(OnPolylineClickListener)
- 마찬가지로 z-index value에 의한 click cycle이 존재 및 적용
Customizing appearances
- desired property가 적용된 shape를 map에 added before & after 시점에 모두 적용 가능하다.
Polyline line = map.addPolyline(new PolylineOptions()
.add(new LatLng(-37.81319, 144.96298), new LatLng(-31.95285, 115.85734))
Note : most shapes가 여기에 나온 properies를 적용 가능하지만, shape에 따라서 적용 불가능한 properties도 존재
Stroke color
- 32-bit ARGB integer
- *Options.strokeColor()
- default color Color.BLACK
Fill color
- only applies to polygons and circles
Stroke width
- float in pixels (px)
- width not scale when map is zoomed
- *Options.strokeWidth()
(or PolylineOptions.width()
for a polyline)
- default width is 10px
Stroke pattern
- default pattern is solid line
- dash, dot, gap
List<PatternItem> pattern = Arrays.<PatternItem>asList(
new Dot(), new Gap(20), new Dash(30), new Gap(20));
Joint types
- bevel or round JointType
- internal bends in the line에 영향을 줌
- dots는 always circular이므로 not affect
Line caps
- polyline style Cap
- butt (default), square, round, custom bitmap
- PolylineOptions.startCap
and PolylineOptions.endCap
mPolyline.setStartCap(new RoundCap());
new CustomCap(BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromResource(R.drawable.arrow),
- BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromResource()
- use density-independent resource (nodpi)
Geodesic segments
- not apply circles
- polylines & polygons에서 consecutive vertices 사이의 line segments가 그려지는 방법을 determines
- Earth's surface의 shortest path를 따라가며, Mercator projection을 사용하여 curved lines 처럼 보일 수 있다.
- Non-geodesic segments is straight lines on the map
- *Options.geodesic()
where true
- default is false (non-geodesic segments)
- stack order of this shape (relative to other overlays)
- high z-index overlay는 lower z-indexes보다 above drawn
- 두 overlays의 z-index가 같으면 arbitrary order 적용
- default is 0
- 아예 맵에서 permanently remove하고 싶으면 call remove()
Associate data with a shape
private GoogleMap mMap;
Polyline polyline = mMap.addPolyline((new PolylineOptions())
.add(new LatLng(-35.016, 143.321),
new LatLng(-34.747, 145.592),
new LatLng(-34.364, 147.891),
new LatLng(-33.501, 150.217),
new LatLng(-32.306, 149.248),
new LatLng(-32.491, 147.309)));
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